Mill profiling

The milling system operates with a precision of ±0.5mm. The minimum and maximum possible rod cross-sections are 20x8mm and 230x120mm, respectively. If greater cross-sections are needed, they can be manufactured in several parts and then attached by plug-and-socket connection.

Compacfoam’s technicians are pleased to be of assistance with the design of the appropriate profile shape.

Undercut milling is not possible with the on-site mill, but it can be outsourced to Compacfoam’s business partners.

Tool- and pre-production costs

For large quantities and repeat orders with the same mill profile, the mill is adapted using a mill blanket. This process involves the manufacture of a unique blanket for each profiled side. The manufacture costs are billed to the customer. Using the blanket any quantity can be milled.

For small quantities the mill profile can be assembled based on annular milling cutters, i.e., no individual milling cutter must be manufactured. A prerequisite is that all grooves have the same depth and that grooves and stud links are separated by whole millimetre distances. The use of annular milling cutters is only possible on one side of a profile. If the profile is plugable (several profiles can be joined by plug connection), then only blankets can reasonably be used. pre-production costs are calculated per order.

Tool quality and useful life

Compacfoam is an extremely non-abrasive material. It is processed with economical wood milling cutters or blankets in simple HS quality. Expensive diamond-studded tools that are necessary in the case of PU composite materials available on the market are not necessary with Compacfoam.

If tools with simple HS quality are used, a lifetime of up to 50,000m without asperity can be calculated. The low tool costs are a considerable advantage in the production of milled profiles with Compacfoam.

Hot-wire cutting
Plane calibration
Sawing Compacfoam
Delivery forms and measurements

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