Folding shutter assembly with Compacfoam assembly cubes

Assembly block Compacfoam CF200 for thermal-bridge-free assembly of brackets for folding- and sliding shutters.


Ever stronger insulation layers and at the same time the requirement of a cold-bridge-free but nevertheless simple assembly will make you rethink previous construction and assembly practice. The Compacfoam assembly block CF 200 is the simple and economical option for fastening folding- and sliding shutters without cold bridges on the exterior wall or embrasure.

The highly insulating assembly block Compacfoam CF200 is first fastened directly onto the wall with anchor bolts or screws as an upgraded insulation element. Next the preparation of the EIFS system can take place without additional effort. Afterwards, the folding- or sliding shutters are fastened by simply screwing on commonly available fasteners with wood screw threads into the block at the necessary position without preliminary drilling. Compacfoam is manufactured from commonly available façade EPS, and it can be incorporated into the EIFS system and plastered over without complications. Possible manufacture guidelines for the EIFS system must be obeyed. Compacfoam assembly block is delivered in rods or ready-made in blocks, and if needed it can be adapted with saw, manual planes or hot-wire devices at the construction site.


The insertion of commonly available wood brackets with diameter >=10 mm, insertion length 135mm was tested the assembly takes place without pre-drilling by screwing directly into Compacfoam\

Structural analysis and permissible loads

The attributable load in use is determined based on the maximum distortion tolerated.

max. recommended load per bracket (in all directions) max. distortion 2mm
max. insulation strength 300mm
minimum edge distance brackets 35mm
min. bracket diameter 10mm
min. screw diameter element fastener 4x M8
max. element overlap (embrasure insulation) 50mm

Attention must be paid to a sufficiently stable fastening of Compacfoam blocks to the stable substrate (possible adaptation of at least 4 M8 with specified hole pattern or equivalent hole pattern according to the necessities of the substrate)

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